East Coast Celebrity

Photography by East Coast is a professional service covering all aspects for talent and client management. Photography by East Coast is owned by Jeff Caso a published photographer with over 4,000 credits to his name. We offer custom photo shoots, custom hand picked locations indoor and outdoor shooting venues as well as custom portfolios that capture the natural beauty of each model and its surroundings.

We currently are a part of ECCCM Media Group which owns, operates and publishes East Coast Angels Magazine, Stiletto Magazine, Quiver Magazine and Adrenaline X Magazine

We use the latest digital photography as well as the latest photoshop, editing and light room software. We offer personal security services for all our shoots and events.

We specialize in custom outdoor shoots. We have access to many locations, many automobiles classic to new and many custom Trucks and motorcycles for our shoots. We also have a full Green screen and able to offer fully digital photography

We cater to any level from novice to experienced model, actor or actress. Call us to schedule a photo shoot or ask how we can enhance your current portfolio

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